When it comes to gift giving, jewelry always comes to most of your heads. But we are not increasingly satisfied with normal jewels, for example, birthstone jewels with unique characters get more popular.
The reason why birthstone jewels get popular is that they can give the receiver a sense of being valued. Shop sunflower birthstone necklace here.

The Origin of Birthstones
According to the book of Exodus in the Bible, a person whose name is Aaron has a brilliant breastplate with 12 unique gemstones. They symbolized the 12 tribes of Israel. Gradually, the stones are assigned according to the birth month.
In 1912, the National Association of Jewelers defined the modern-day list of birthstones and the list has remained unchanged.
Now because there are numerous gemstones available for use today, birthstones are often categorized according to color instead of specific stones.
Birthstones by Month: Colors and Meanings
January – Garnet

Garnets come in a variety of colors, the most common of which are maroon garnet and green. Garnet symbolizes faith, truth, and friendship.
February – Amethyst

The February birthstone, amethyst, is said to strengthen relationships and give its wearer courage. Amethyst symbolizes wisdom, strength, and confidence.
March – Aquamarine, Bloodstone

The March birthstone, aquamarine, was thought to cure heart, liver, and stomach diseases. Aquamarine and Bloodstone symbolize peace and calm.
April – Diamond

The diamond is the hardest thing in the world, the familiar “diamond is forever, a forever” since the century diamond has become a token of love and marriage in the Western world, the century to become the global young men and women to marry a mature agreement synonymous with. Diamond symbolizes everlasting love.
May – Emerald

Emeralds are the most expensive of the beryl family, selling for up to $10,000 per carat for the best quality and color. It has long been associated with wisdom, growth, and patience.
June – Pearl

Pearls are organic gemstones that form in the bodies of seawater and freshwater mollusks. Pearls have always been associated with purity, humility, and innocence. The June birthstone can be said to mean “sweet simplicity”. For this reason, pearls have traditionally been given as wedding gifts to couples.
July – Ruby

The July birthstone, ruby, was regarded by ancient Hindus as the “king of gems.” It was believed to protect its wearer from evil. Today, the ruby’s deep-red color signifies love and passion.
August – Peridot

Peridot can be also called the “evening emerald” due to its vivid green color. The combination of peridot and gold is supposed to protect the wearer from nightmares. It has long been associated with mercy and warmth.
September – Sapphire

The September birthstone, sapphire, was once said to guard against evil and poisoning. It symbolizes purity and wisdom. The cornflower blue of the Kashmir sapphire, with its blue velvet hue, has the highest value.
October – Opal

The October birthstone, opal, symbolizes faithfulness and confidence. The word comes from the Latin opalus, meaning “precious jewel.” Necklaces with opals set in them were worn to repel evil and to protect eyesight.
November – Topaz

The November birthstone, topaz, symbolizes love and affection. It is believed to give the wearer increased strength and intellect.
December – Turquoise

The December birthstone, turquoise, is regarded as a love charm. Turquoise represents good fortune and success, and it is supposed to relax the mind and protect its wearer from harm.
YFN Sunflower Birthstone Necklace
If you are going to select one birthstone jewel as a gift, you are in the right place. YFN boasts a great number of birthstone jewels at affordable prices.
The sunflower is one of the most popular elements in jewelry which is a symbol of unwavering faith and unconditional love. A sunflower birthstone necklace would be the perfect choice to show your sincerity. More sunflower and birthstone jewels such as bracelets, earrings, rings, and charms are waiting for you to discover. All of them are made of high-quality sterling silver or solid gold.